My huge marketing mistake

I made a huge mistake in the summer of 2021. 

It was August and I was booked. 

All the partnership pitch emails I’d been sending had been getting “yes” replies, and then I’d gotten an unexpected surprise offer to create a course with Copyhackers. (Of course I said yes.)

So, I stopped sending cold emails. 

And that was my big mistake. 

All the momentum of my past cold emails had generated energy. My marketing strategy was working beautifully and I didn’t have to put a lot of time in. 

Some folks call this a flywheel. 

I call it pushing a snowball down a hill. 

At first, it’s tough going, then all that momentum pushes the snowball and it takes off. 

At the time, I didn’t realize that stored kinetic energy was waiting for me to capitalize on it. 

To keep the momentum going…

… And I stopped sending cold emails. 

Here’s why this is a huge mistake:

Because marketing is like investing. 

I'm marketing for my future self, so I avoid the famine.

But last summer, I got fat and happy with loads of clients and awesome partnerships…

…and I forgot to take care of my future self.

Learning and implementing a new marketing system -- one like partnership pitching -- works best when I feel abundant. 

When I feel constricted and restrained, my brain is in fight or flight mode. 

All the blood rushes to my muscles, preparing them to flee. My heart races, pumping more energy and oxygen to my body. 

I can only focus on the stupid darn problem right in front of my eyes. 


My body shuts down blood supply to my brain’s creative parts. 

So I literally can't think. 

My focus narrows. I can only see the problem and I can't think my way out of a box.

That situation is the least optimal for creativity, problem-solving, and abundance.

Making it, also, the worst time to start marketing (which requires all of the above to be successful).

The answer?

In times of abundance when the clients flow in my doors and growth is skyrocketing…

…that's when I need to learn and implement a new marketing strategy. 

Because I have the runway to build and invest in that strategy. 

And -- this is very important -- that’s when my brain is primed for creation.

You’re amazing,


Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1) Send successful cold sales emails to get new 1-1 clients

Inside the Cold Email Cash Flow Method is my entire cold sales email system. 

If you’ve tried a few cold emails and want to get better results, this might be for you. Enroll here.

2) Find your lead to cold email 

Discover how to target the right recipient to set your cold email up for success here.

3) Join Growth Multiplier Mentorship and be a case study

I'm putting together a group where I'm going to work with a handful of private clients with their cold & pitch emails.

If you’d like to work 1-1 with me… click here to send me an email and we'll have a quick convo to see if this is right for you.

Featured photo source: Lukas Blazek


The 5 sections of a successful cold email


6 mistakes I made as a solopreneur that made me burnout